My reading program called READ with Reed 83 has really taken off supporting the Boys & Girls Clubs in 6 NFL cities this year. It will be coming to Allentown, PA and a city near you soon! I was a club kid and made it into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Now I represent what they stand for and I know with reading…each underprivileged kid can do the same. Reading is a way out,” Buffalo Bills Hall of Fame receiver, Andre Reed said.
The goal is to encourage kids to exercise their mind, tackle a good book, and touchdown to READ at least 30 minutes a day.
Reading is tied to kids graduation and ultimately success rates, especially in inner cities where Reed plans to do his literacy programming.
“It’s my new legacy, and commitment to kids like me, to make reading cool again by using pro athletes and the game of football,” Reed goes on to say.
In Person
Joyce Reed- Edling
Ty Reed
Dion Reed
Chip Hurd
Mark Kuster
Lori Fegley​
Over the Phone
Contact Dion Reed​